Tuesday 1 December 2015


“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” 

Wednesday 18 November 2015


Having a child makes you a father but not a “dad” what’s the different?” you might be asking. Well, a father is a proper terms for a male that produces a child but in the eye of kid, a father is “dad” or “daddy”. It’s a name that has to be earned! Earned by being supportive of your child both financially and mentally. You don’t become a “dad” without working hard.
I really wanna be me and nobody else, as I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. From that quote concept, I began to grow older and my thinking mood also started to illuminate gradually to a point where everything I saw around educate me.
Start to see yourself like a man, start to live a fatherless life and at a point you start to think like a man, not just a man but a real man, from the moment you start seeing yourself that way, then you began to earn yourself a tittle called “a real man”.
The first Manliness are as followed;

v  Life have a principle, key to the principles of life!
v  Life has a formula, under these formula we have

1.       Real formula; This stated that the measure value has to do with your personal self, subtracted from your actual value, divided by the area at which you see yourself, multiplied by the percentage of people you mingle with. X%.

2.       Forge formula; stated that, considering everything around you as a means of maximization plus time factors. Forge formula = maximization + time.
use the alternative means, it can be forge formula or real formula, trace the access road. you have your time, you have  your life, do yourself a favor and if you can't then do the world a favor.

Monday 19 October 2015

It's Time to Live Your Life!

Your life begins now!
It’s really obvious that everyone wants a beautiful living, but do remember that not all things a man wishes that comes through. We all love to have a good education, get a nice job, a beautiful houses and above all someone to spend your whole life with.  Then as you progress as a man, along the line you meet a lady who is so kind, caring and hardworking she later became an option after seeing a kposa girl on your friend birthday and you kicked her out, then come complaining that she wasn’t your type. Why don’t you gave birth to your type and get married to? Later miss right became an option, you kicked her out and yet nothing is wrong with you? After many more, you then come up telling friends how you have slept with fifty (50) different girls, wa’oh you are a champion! Forgetting that those ladies life were turnaround. Do you think of that for a second?
Well, my gentle ladies in the building, do you want to finish school? Write a book? Take time to develop the goals you want to achieve. This time of single hood is your own. If you eventually would get married your time won’t be your own so much anymore. So enjoy this time of your life when you can do what YOU want to do! Sometime I do imaging how excited some women are sleeping with a man old than their father, not even that alone but a married man who you quite know he is married. What dream do you think these kind of men have for you? Is it money or love? Okay, he agreed to make you second wife you said know. Then after your propelling factors is been ionized by these men, you then come searching for Mr. Right or a guy with class. What class do you belong? A class of sugar Daddy or a class of money spender?  Please don't misunderstand. Marriage can be a wonderful thing. Dating can be a wonderful thing. But keep in mind that being single can be a wonderful thing too. It’s just the idea of being content with where you are in life. Being happy with what you have at this present moment.
  focus on your life right now, and stop your quest to find Mr. Right.

Friday 2 October 2015


If I were cast away on the desert island and could have only one book with me there, I might well choose
Louise L. Hay’s you can Heal your Life. After reading through some of his write up, I discovered several things I wouldn’t have discover if my research was only based on my field of study but instead, I makes Louise book parts of my daily activities as one man name Andrew said, “I go to bed with Louise and I get up to her every day! It became part of me, and later hold unto myself everything that concern me. Slowly take a breath, feed yourself with thought, not just thought but make it a good ones. From that moment, you see that everything about good or bad originated from you.

Following is aforementioned:
v  We are each responsible for all of our experiences.
v  Every thought we think is creating our future.
v  The point of power is always in the present moment.
v  Everyone suffers from self – hatred and guilt.
v  The bottom line for everyone is, “I’m not good enough.”
v  It’s only a thought and a thought can be change
v  Self-approval and self- acceptance in the now are the keys to positive changes
v  When we really love ourselves, everything in our life work.
v  What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us.

I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences. 
know that when you work with these idea, my loving support is with you.

Thursday 3 September 2015


I still don’t get why people kill their innocent unborn child, some would ask what is this guy business with what I do, you might see it not to be my fucking business, but I ask, when has abortion becomes your business? You concluded it to be your life style simply because you were guilty of the said subject, not once, not twice and you said nothing is wrong with that. Your illumination is gradually dying off you because you were wrongfully educated. In your first abortion, something in you changed some discovered it while some don’t, simply because the light is not there to boot their human sensing. There’s everything wrong in aborting a child. Just take it!
The worst part of it, even some doctors are not helping matters, there is this controversial doctor I knew of then, he is a specialist in abortion and you can see how proudly people troop in there with their girlfriends and some are married women only God knows what their problems are.  
I am pro - life and I have personally counselled some ladies into keeping their pregnancies. Yes abortion may look like a short cut but the strips it leaves on one’s conscience is deep because there is blood in the hands of anyone who in anyway involved.
If really you want to bleep around like a d*g then do it responsible or you better zip up.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

That Will Make You Rethink Everything, Just Everything.

 “To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.” 
 Everything about you is always up to you, just think about that.

Monday 27 July 2015


“I begin the chapter and book on very elementary reasoning and a simple description: this description is based on the perception of you being a dream achiever, the options of you being whom you want to be live in you. with time, everything about us gradually begin to developed naturally and socially; this reasoning that such living have long-existed and are very important—even eternal to those called 'special people'. I’m your friend, and I must be sincere, we all owns the worlds allots, then at what point would you want be convicted, does it really worth it? Your life is more than being in a jail, as my young friend always said, when you are in jail a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in cell next to you saying, ’Damn, that was fun’”.
Chose a friend today and build yourself a better live.
Bless you all!

Friday 10 July 2015

Things I never do and I feel like doing it now!

“Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing.”

At some point in life we're all faced with a decision of whether to take a risk. Whether it's leaving a miserable moment, moving to a different position that stretches you, or even taking on a tricky new assignment, greatness requires risk.
Whether you succeed or fail, the act of taking a risk will stretch you and give you faith in yourself--and the confidence to do even more. Maybe we're meant to do things that scare us so we can build greatness in ourselves.
Allow these amazing quotes to dare you:
1. "Many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at."
2. . "Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
3. "Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit."
4.  "The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself. "
5. "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." and you have it  all in your possession, so actualize it and be a great achiever.
In conclusion, I knew everyone would have feel that way, but the moment you gave that your attention, you became short sighted. Move on and see things that doesn't add to your leaving as a pass away time. Bless you all.

Monday 15 June 2015


It is really obvious that what a man worries much of are likely to be his problem considering the two involvements, grumbling and complaining. 

As a young man humbly said, "that worries are like the taxes we pay for trouble before it due".Once upon a time, I have to confess that sometimes, in adverse situations, I choose to grumble and complain. I can honestly say, though, that contentment comes from choosing to focus on the positives and not the negatives. My grumbling and complaining never accomplish anything, but trusting God and giving thanks in the midst of tough circumstances pleases Him and builds my faith and character.
Our grumbling and complaining do not change or please God but our trust and obedience do. Considering the questions below, you may kindly have an answers to it.
How much of your day is spent grumbling and complaining?
 Do you tend to lose perspective in the midst of difficult times?
What effects do grumbling and complaining have on others around us, as well as on ourselves?
 Ask God to strengthen your faith, to keep your focus on Him and not on your circumstances.

Thursday 4 June 2015


My great apologias for not been able to update you guys for a while now, some how busy in putting things right with my humble self. well, time run fast than we ever expected, gradually waving by with time and in that time so many things happened and when that happened you need to sit yourself dawn and look at the pages of the whole world if possible and redefine your living. while I was trying to have a nice time with my moments I came across this beautiful story that almost brings me tears.

Death is a beautiful woman, always by my side. She'll kiss me one day, I know. She's a companion who reminds me not to postpone anything: 'Do it now, do it now, do it now.'
Her voice is not threatening, just constant. It tells me what matters is not how long I live, but how I live.

PERPLEXED AND LONELY, a soul stands in the chamber of death! Perplexed because the human being lying on the death-bed refused while on earth to believe in the continuity of life after the death of the physical body! He had therefore never seriously considered the matter and ridiculed all who spoke of it.

Confused, he looks around! He sees himself lying on his death-bed, sees people he knows standing about it weeping, hears the words they speak, and senses their grief as they lament his passing. He would like to laugh and call out that he is still alive! He does so, but is surprised to observe that they do not hear him. He calls again and again, louder and ever louder. The people do not hear it, but go on lamenting. Fear begins to arise within him, for he himself hears his own voice quite clearly, and is also distinctly aware of his own body.
Again he calls out in anguish, but nobody pays any attention to him! Weeping, they gaze upon the lifeless body, which he recognizes as his own yet suddenly regards as something strange that is no longer part of him, for he now stands beside it in a body free from all the pain he had suffered up till then!
Now he lovingly calls the name of his wife who is kneeling beside the death-bed, but her weeping does not cease and there is no word or movement to show that she has heard him. In desperation he walks up to her and shakes her shoulder vigorously. She does not notice it. He does not know that he is only touching and shaking the ethereal body of his wife, not the physical one, and that the woman, who like him never gave a thought to the existence of anything beyond the physical body, therefore cannot feel his touch upon her ethereal body.
An unspeakable feeling of dread makes him shudder! A feeling of being utterly forsaken makes him so weak that he sinks to the floor and loses consciousness!
The sound of a voice he used to know gradually awakens him again. He sees the body he used on earth surrounded by flowers. He would like to fly away, but he finds it impossible to sever himself from this cold, lifeless body. He distinctly feels he is still connected to it. Again he hears the voice which awoke him from his slumber. It is his friend speaking to another person. They have each brought a wreath and are talking together while laying them down. No one else is in the room.
His friend! He wishes to attract his attention, also that of the other man; they were often welcome guests together in his home. He must tell them that strange as it may seem he is still alive, that he can still hear what they are saying! He calls out! But his friend calmly turns to his companion and goes on talking. But what he says gives him a shock! Is that his friend? Is that the way he talks about him now?
Petrified, he listens to the words of these people with whom he had so often drunk and laughed, and who only flattered him while sitting at his table enjoying the hospitality of his home!
They left and others came. How clearly he could now see through people! So many whom he had highly valued now filled him with disgust and anger, and several whom he had always disregarded he would like to shake hands with gratefully. But they neither heard nor sensed him, although he shrieked and raved at them to prove he was still alive!
In a great procession the body was carried to the grave. He sat astride the coffin! Embittered and desperate, he could now but laugh and laugh! But his laughter quickly gave way to deepest despondency, and a great feeling of desolation assailed him. He became tired and fell asleep.
When he awoke darkness surrounded him. How long he had been asleep he could not tell, but he felt that he could no longer be connected to his physical body, for he was free! But free in a strangely oppressive darkness!
He called out, but no sound came. He could not hear his own voice. He sank back groaning, and in so doing struck his head hard against a sharp stone. When after a long time he awoke once more there was still the same darkness, the same sinister silence. He wanted to jump up, but his limbs were heavy and refused to do their work. With all the strength born of fearful desperation he struggled to his feet, staggering and groping his way to and fro. He often fell down and injured himself, and bumped against corners and edges to right and left, but he was allowed no respite – for a strong urge drove him to grope onward unceasingly and to seek. To seek! But what? His thinking was confused, tired and without hope. He was seeking something that he could not comprehend. He was seeking!
It drove him onward, ever onward, until he again sank down, only to rise once more and resume his wanderings. Years passed in this way, decades, till finally tears welled up in his eyes and sobs shook his breast and ... a thought arose in him, a petition, the outcry of a tired soul yearning for an end to this condition of dark hopelessness!
This outcry of utter despair and hopeless suffering, however, gave birth to the first thought of longing to escape from this condition. He tried to understand what had brought him to this terrible plight, and what had so cruelly forced him to wander in darkness. Around him he could feel nothing but stark rocks! Was this the earth, or perhaps after all the other world in which he had never been able to believe?
The other world! Then he must be physically dead and yet alive, if he could call this condition being alive! He found thinking the greatest difficulty. And so he groped onward in his seeking. Again years passed. Oh, for a way out of this darkness! The wish grew into a powerful urge, which gave way to longing. Longing, however, is the purer intuition born out of the coarse urge, and out of this longing very timidly a prayer arose.
Finally this prayer of longing burst forth from him like a spring, and a feeling of soothing, comforting peace, humility and submission, entered his soul. When he arose to continue his wanderings he experienced a warm glow coursing through his body, for now twilight surrounded him and he could suddenly see!
Far away in the distance he recognized a light, like a torch that greeted him. Jubilantly he stretched forth his arms towards it, and filled with deep happiness he again sank down, his heart overflowing with gratitude, and gave thanks to Him Who had granted him this light! With renewed strength he then strode towards the light. It came no nearer to him, but after his experiences he still hoped to reach it even if it should take centuries. What had now happened to him might happen once again, and thus finally lead him out of this stony desert into a warmer and lighter region, if he humbly prayed for it!
“My God, help me in this!” broke forth from his hope-filled breast. And, what joy, he could again hear his own voice! Even though at first quite weak, still he could hear it! His happiness at this gave him new strength, and full of hope he again went forward.
Such is the story of the initial experiences of a soul in the Ethereal World! This soul could not be called bad, on earth he had even been considered very good. He had been the head of a large industrial establishment, always busy and meticulously concerned to comply with the mundane laws.
Let me add an explanation to this case! The man who in his life on earth refuses to acknowledge that there is also life after death, and that sooner or later he will be forced to render account for all that he has done and all that he has left undone, is blind and deaf when he one day has to pass over into the Ethereal World. Only during the days and weeks while he still remains connected with his discarded physical body will he be able partially to observe what goes on around him.
However, once he is free from his disintegrating physical body this possibility is lost to him! He no longer sees or hears anything. That, however, is not punishment, but quite natural, because he did not want to see or hear anything of the Ethereal World. His own will, which can quickly form ethereal matter corresponding to it, prevents his ethereal body from seeing as well as hearing until gradually a change takes place in his soul. Whether this takes years or decades, perhaps even centuries, is the concern of each individual. He can exercise his free will untrammeled. Help will only come to him when he himself longs for it. Not before! It will never be forced upon him!
The light which this soul greeted with such great joy when it started to see again was always there, but previously the soul was unable to see it. This light is also clearer and stronger than it appears at first sight to the hitherto blind soul. How the soul sees it, whether strong or weak, depends entirely on the condition of the soul itself. The light does not come closer of its own accord, but it is there! The soul can enjoy it at any time, if it humbly and earnestly wishes to do so.
However, what I am explaining here applies only to this particular kind of human soul. It does not necessarily apply to others. In the region of darkness and its planes there is no light. There it is impossible for him who advances inwardly to be able suddenly to see the light, for he must first be led out of the surroundings which hold him.
The condition of the soul depicted here may surely be called miserable, because it is filled with a great fear and is void of all hope, but it did not wish it otherwise. It now receives only what it forced upon itself. It had refused to believe in a conscious life after physical death. But the soul cannot abolish this continuation of life for itself, because it has no jurisdiction over it. It only builds for itself a barren ethereal plane, paralyzing the senses of the ethereal body, so that it can neither see nor hear ethereally until ... the soul itself finally changes its attitude.
These are the souls which can be found by the million on earth today. Apart from the fact that they refuse all knowledge about God and eternity, they can still be called decent. The fate of the evil-minded is naturally much worse, but we shall not speak about them here, only about the so-called respectable people.
When it is said that God will stretch forth His Hand to help, this is done in the Word which He sends out to mankind, showing them how they can redeem themselves from the guilt in which they have become entangled. From the very beginning He has shown His Mercy in all the great possibilities placed freely at the disposal of human spirits in Creation. This is so overwhelming that the man of today cannot even conceive it because he never concerned himself with it seriously enough! Wherever he did, however, it was only as a pastime or for the purpose of vain self-aggrandizement!
Thanks for been parts of this reading apology once more for taking your time.

Thursday 14 May 2015

5 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 18

  1. Learn to Love mistakes: always remember to learn from mistakes - and keep growing. Don't doubt yourself so much. one day you'll be able to look back on your "oops" moments and laugh at them. they're inevitable.
  2. Less is more: Don't try to be a jack of all trades. focus on being really good at just a few things. hard work is wasted when it's scattered in too many directions.
  3. Say yes often: sometime stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new can be terrifying. but learn to say yes more. it'll help you to open up, try new things - and bring you new opportunities.
  4. Learn to love change: the one thing you can count on is change. It will happen, and you can't avoid it. It won't always be easy, but change happens for reason. Learn to be Ok with it.
  5. Tell people how you feel: if someone hurt your feeling, be honest with them. if you're having an incredible date with someone and it feels absolutely perfect, let them know what you're thinking. when you hang up the phone with mom or Dad, it might be friends like you guys, tell them "I love you." life's too short not to say it - and that may be your best time under this canopy,you may never really know when you'll have the opportunity to say how you feel again. 
Though, thank God I understand these now,  sticking to my believe would have been the difficult time for me but to God be the glory, I'm able to share this with you guys and I believe someone out there might likely pick a point out of this.

21 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 21

Wednesday 13 May 2015


While mingling my humble self with people, I discovered these three concept of living.
  • Accept
It is very important to accept what is, both in terms of the external reality and your internal reality, with thoughts, emotions, etc.
  • Feel
Allow yourself to feel, and also allow yourself to listen to what comes through while you are allowing your emotions to go through their natural process.
  • Listen
When was the last time you truly sat down with no distractions, (technologies, cell phone, Facebook, e-mail, television, etc.) and listened? Take a moment each day to look inside yourself and hear what your higher consciousness has to say. Don’t think, don’t wonder—just listen.
 May God Bless Everyone of Us.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Your way might not be my way!

" Life is the most difficult exam, many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper!"Instead of finding out how people made it, why not in God name trying to use your God giving ability to designs the life you wish to live. please house, I would be glad to read your wonderful comments.
Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out bot by copping people.

Tuesday 5 May 2015


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. Now comes the word pride, for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from God, but is from the world. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the heavenly God, but is of the world.
It is true that nothing last forever, so live it up, drink it down laugh it off. I really do not wish to share this with you guys but something prompt me up. sadly  to see people with reputations been carry away with self pride all to what there expect from the world and how there want people to address them.
The must achievable  people today, berry their pride.so put away your pride, it Kill, it ride life, it less your thinking and most often it has sociological effect to your living that when fail to manage it, then it becomes a treat to life and the society as a whole.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

"Thought Becomes Things

we are amazing creatures human being, amazing born with an ability to start with squeeze face and not seen a dam thing. But how many of you have heard the expression that be careful of what you wish for, because you might get it. How many of you also believe its true to list some degree or an achievement? How many of you have also giving considering time and energy you thought to figure it out for a while, well it could be true. fortunately, having a mother and friends who always aspiring me to be a big time dreamer, yea; I have a thought about it and I have come to conclusion that there is indeed a principles of playing in universe to turn wishes into realities. you see, is the exact principles the power of positive thinking and is the same principles that explained visualizing as an exercise practice in the world and that principle is called "Thought becomes Things. I don't mean negatively, I mean positively not some time but all the time. 
  A very Good morning Friends. 

Thursday 23 April 2015

The Eagle Story: Be Who You were Meant to Be

Here’s a story that I like a lot. It reminds one to chase one’s destiny. It is also a good story to illustrate how we need to be careful not to conform as we are most likely to become who we think we are with the people we mixed with.

When someone mentions an eagle, what do you think of in your mind?
Many people imagine a big bird, flying high up in the air, with its wings spread out, moving around gracefully with so little effort.
The eagle has very sharp eyes which can see a long distance. When it sees a meal, like a rabbit on the ground, it can come down very fast and grab the animal with its sharp claws.
The eagle is called the king of the birds. It has great strength, super vision and really strong claws.
A story is told of a man who found an eagle’s egg. He put it with his chickens and the mother hens.
Soon the egg hatched. The young eagle grew up with all the other chickens. Whatever the chickens did, the eagle also did. He thought he was a chicken, just like them.
Since the chickens could only fly for a short distance, the eagle also learnt to fly a short distance. He thought that was what he was supposed to do. So that was all that he thought he could do. And that was all he was able to do.
One day the eagle saw a bird flying high above him. He was very impressed. “Who is that?” he asked the hens around him.
“That’s the eagle, the king of the birds,” the hens told him. “He belongs to the sky. We belong to the earth – we are chickens.
So the eagle lived and died a chicken, for that’s what he thought he was.
well, sometimes it comes a precious memories and lessons I was taught and everything seems to gear my drive to my desire.  while reading this, endeavor to screw out who you really are.


The following is one of my favorite stories, title Make it Happen! that never fails to inspire me in sustaining my belief in what I do with my carrier or whatever, regardless of how insignificant it may seem to the eyes of others.

While walking along a beach, an elderly gentleman saw someone in the distance leaning down, picking something up and throwing it into the ocean.
As he got closer, he noticed that the figure was that of a young man, picking up starfish one by one and tossing each one gently back into the water.
He came closer still and called out, “Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?”
The young man paused, looked up, and replied “Throwing starfish into the ocean.”
The old man smiled, and said, “I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?”
To this, the young man replied, “The sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them in, they’ll die.”
Upon hearing this, the elderly observer commented, “But, young man, do you not realize that there are miles and miles of beach and there are starfish all along every mile? You can’t possibly make a difference!”
The young man listened politely. Then he bent down, picked up another starfish, threw it into the back into the ocean past the breaking waves and said, “It made a difference for that one.”
 Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth. just hold on, waw! dis is seriously not even remember where I was, do u care to know? okay! in the Kitchen. BoOmYaKa. 

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Don't see Respect as Just a Common act is beyond human ways of reasoning!



One of the most prestigious accomplishments a leader can earn is that of genuine respect from the people they serve!

obviously, respect is not as common as we thought, it goes in the long way.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

‘Runs’ Girls/Guys, Is all About Your Choice.

“You have everything it takes to be successful .. Selling ur body is the cheapest way out .. You make money but you are unfulfilled, why would i make money and still not fulfilled?
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. “Prosperity is not just having things. It is the consciousness that attracts the things. Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just having money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.”looking at  this quarms, tell me what the message is all about. Do all  have a brighter day ahead.

Wednesday 1 April 2015


I wish I had early acquired most things about life than now, living all my life thinking that a man success depends on how hard he works for success but from the book title positive thinking by Normal Vicent Peale, said; a successful man is a man that believe in himself, that believe in his ability to create possibilities in a place where impossibilities seems to exist. I once met a man who’s every moment of his life is full of happiness and I asked, why everything you experience is about happiness then he replied and said my son, a man has two choices when he wake up every morning is either to be happy or to be angry. But the best way to achieve success and happiness is to zero your mind from hatred and embraces love and kindness toward people.
 Every person should set at least one big goal in life. Whether you try to get a promotion at work or you want to lose a few pounds, the first thing you should do is to set a goal. Learn to break long-term goals down into intermediate and short-term goals; this will enable you to distribute your time and energy resources more efficiently.
They say that people who plan their life are usually more successful than those who don’t plan their future. I don’t mean that you should create a detailed life plan, but you should certainly draw an approximate blueprint for the next 5 years. When you see the direction and the ultimate goal, you will hardly veer off course or lose motivation. You must have heard the popular saying, ‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail’, right? I became a more self-disciplined and cheerful person due to the ability of goal setting.

Tuesday 24 February 2015


whether you are an entry-level employee, business founder, or corporate executive, even a house wife, sometimes need a bit of leadership inspiration. from the Winston Churchill database of leader skills, he said that leadership is all about aligning people to the vision, that means buy-in and communication, motivation and inspirations.
The question is who ought to be a boss? hmmm, everyone want to be a boss me you and even the generations to come want to exercise power of leadership.
“Great leadership does not mean running away from reality. Sometimes the hard truths might just demoralize the company, the family but at other times sharing difficulties can inspire people to take action that will make the situation better.”


I don't know how you see leadership, I don't know how it sound in your hearing neither do I know how you put it to your understanding but for simple me (lastborn), I see leadership like someone who is building a house. looking from that view, you need a great foundation to sustain the ups and downs. but where do you start? how do you build a solid leadership foundation?
For someone who have leadership ambitions like me or do you also have it in mind too? well, it might impressed you to note that following under listed steps would help you create quality foundation to better leadership.
  • Find a Mentor
  • Read
  • work hard on your self development.
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