Wednesday, 29 April 2015

"Thought Becomes Things

we are amazing creatures human being, amazing born with an ability to start with squeeze face and not seen a dam thing. But how many of you have heard the expression that be careful of what you wish for, because you might get it. How many of you also believe its true to list some degree or an achievement? How many of you have also giving considering time and energy you thought to figure it out for a while, well it could be true. fortunately, having a mother and friends who always aspiring me to be a big time dreamer, yea; I have a thought about it and I have come to conclusion that there is indeed a principles of playing in universe to turn wishes into realities. you see, is the exact principles the power of positive thinking and is the same principles that explained visualizing as an exercise practice in the world and that principle is called "Thought becomes Things. I don't mean negatively, I mean positively not some time but all the time. 
  A very Good morning Friends. 

Thursday, 23 April 2015

The Eagle Story: Be Who You were Meant to Be

Here’s a story that I like a lot. It reminds one to chase one’s destiny. It is also a good story to illustrate how we need to be careful not to conform as we are most likely to become who we think we are with the people we mixed with.

When someone mentions an eagle, what do you think of in your mind?
Many people imagine a big bird, flying high up in the air, with its wings spread out, moving around gracefully with so little effort.
The eagle has very sharp eyes which can see a long distance. When it sees a meal, like a rabbit on the ground, it can come down very fast and grab the animal with its sharp claws.
The eagle is called the king of the birds. It has great strength, super vision and really strong claws.
A story is told of a man who found an eagle’s egg. He put it with his chickens and the mother hens.
Soon the egg hatched. The young eagle grew up with all the other chickens. Whatever the chickens did, the eagle also did. He thought he was a chicken, just like them.
Since the chickens could only fly for a short distance, the eagle also learnt to fly a short distance. He thought that was what he was supposed to do. So that was all that he thought he could do. And that was all he was able to do.
One day the eagle saw a bird flying high above him. He was very impressed. “Who is that?” he asked the hens around him.
“That’s the eagle, the king of the birds,” the hens told him. “He belongs to the sky. We belong to the earth – we are chickens.
So the eagle lived and died a chicken, for that’s what he thought he was.
well, sometimes it comes a precious memories and lessons I was taught and everything seems to gear my drive to my desire.  while reading this, endeavor to screw out who you really are.


The following is one of my favorite stories, title Make it Happen! that never fails to inspire me in sustaining my belief in what I do with my carrier or whatever, regardless of how insignificant it may seem to the eyes of others.

While walking along a beach, an elderly gentleman saw someone in the distance leaning down, picking something up and throwing it into the ocean.
As he got closer, he noticed that the figure was that of a young man, picking up starfish one by one and tossing each one gently back into the water.
He came closer still and called out, “Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?”
The young man paused, looked up, and replied “Throwing starfish into the ocean.”
The old man smiled, and said, “I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?”
To this, the young man replied, “The sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them in, they’ll die.”
Upon hearing this, the elderly observer commented, “But, young man, do you not realize that there are miles and miles of beach and there are starfish all along every mile? You can’t possibly make a difference!”
The young man listened politely. Then he bent down, picked up another starfish, threw it into the back into the ocean past the breaking waves and said, “It made a difference for that one.”
 Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth. just hold on, waw! dis is seriously not even remember where I was, do u care to know? okay! in the Kitchen. BoOmYaKa. 

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Don't see Respect as Just a Common act is beyond human ways of reasoning!



One of the most prestigious accomplishments a leader can earn is that of genuine respect from the people they serve!

obviously, respect is not as common as we thought, it goes in the long way.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

‘Runs’ Girls/Guys, Is all About Your Choice.

“You have everything it takes to be successful .. Selling ur body is the cheapest way out .. You make money but you are unfulfilled, why would i make money and still not fulfilled?
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. “Prosperity is not just having things. It is the consciousness that attracts the things. Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just having money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.”looking at  this quarms, tell me what the message is all about. Do all  have a brighter day ahead.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


I wish I had early acquired most things about life than now, living all my life thinking that a man success depends on how hard he works for success but from the book title positive thinking by Normal Vicent Peale, said; a successful man is a man that believe in himself, that believe in his ability to create possibilities in a place where impossibilities seems to exist. I once met a man who’s every moment of his life is full of happiness and I asked, why everything you experience is about happiness then he replied and said my son, a man has two choices when he wake up every morning is either to be happy or to be angry. But the best way to achieve success and happiness is to zero your mind from hatred and embraces love and kindness toward people.
 Every person should set at least one big goal in life. Whether you try to get a promotion at work or you want to lose a few pounds, the first thing you should do is to set a goal. Learn to break long-term goals down into intermediate and short-term goals; this will enable you to distribute your time and energy resources more efficiently.
They say that people who plan their life are usually more successful than those who don’t plan their future. I don’t mean that you should create a detailed life plan, but you should certainly draw an approximate blueprint for the next 5 years. When you see the direction and the ultimate goal, you will hardly veer off course or lose motivation. You must have heard the popular saying, ‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail’, right? I became a more self-disciplined and cheerful person due to the ability of goal setting.