Thursday, 29 January 2015

Don't wait for perfection.

Don't wait for perfection. Life isn't perfect. Do the best you can and ship. Real people ship, and then they test and then they ship again. Then you wake up one day and you have something insanely great.
Getting it right takes a lot of trial and error, so you shouldn’t waste time seeking perfection.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Freedom Is Being You!

"Don't waste your energy trying to change opinions ...... Do your thing, and don't care if they like it."

wa'oh, it was really challenging in jurisdiction of works places and life itself, where some fisher men are ready to teach you on how to fish, some prefer giving you fish instead of teaching you while other fishers believe not being perfect but with their ability to makes you manage pressure.  from the miniature experience gathered, its opportunely a means to have followed passionately the interest that my public career has generated in the public domain in our lives.
the fact is that what we least expect it, life sets us a ripple challenging to test our courage and willingness to change, as such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. would I said, this is  just a wash or a weigh-dawn processes of one's  future? then, find out yourself if giving up is the best options or sticking to that difficulties.
The bravery is a beautiful thing that we are all immensely proud of, but after many years it is just not............ well, there are many ways to be brave in this world. sometimes bravery involves laying dawn your life  for something bigger than yourself, or sacrifice your pleasure for the unborn baby your future is carrying or for someone else. sometimes it involves giving up everything you have ever known, or everyone you have ever loved, for the sake of something greater.
Sometimes it doesn't .
Sometime it is nothing more than gritting your teeth through pain, and the work of every day, the slow work toward a better life.
That is the sort of crinkum-crankum as per Hon. Patrick always put it, these are kind of bravery I must have now.
It got to a time I began to worry over my loyalty to people believing me, doing this is not just a wash but the reasons was just very simple. Only trying to avoid misunderstanding with people and to please everyone but the more I get furious sometime. Then I began to challenge myself doing things on my own way, along the line my courage summon me one day and said, point out  perfect human on earth then i will submits the rest of my words. you  are like every human, you can learn from their actions, before you can live a part of you has to die. you have to go of what could have been, how you should have acted and what you wish you would have said differently. we have to accept the fact that we can't change the past experiences, opinions of others at that moments in time or outcomes from their choices or yours. when you finally recognize that truth then you will understand the true meaning of forgiveness of self and others.from this point, you will finally be free like I'm today. Love you All

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

It Is In All Of Us To Defy Expectations

"It is in all of us to defy expectations, to go into the world and to be brave and to want to need to hunger for adventures, to embrace change and chance and risk so that we may breathe and know what it is to be free."

 When you allow for yourself to step out of your comfort zone, you then allow yourself to finally living. Adventure is worthwhile, because it is the only thing that truly allows for a person to feel as though they have lived. A person with an adventurous mind is one that has gained much knowledge not by what others have told him, but by seeing life and the world for his or herself, through their own eyes.

Adventure isn’t just climbing mountains, and white water rafting, adventure is a mindset that we have to be willing to use as each day comes to us, so that we may overcome the challenges put in our paths.

This is a mindset that forces us to take risks, test ourselves and how we make use of what we have when we have no clue of what outcome will result from doing so. Be adventurous, take on the challenges that life throws in your way, and you will soon surpass your potential.

Success in life is not about luck! It is about managed thoughts, focused attention and deliberate action. shickena!!!!!!!.

Many successful people know that real success, success that sustains itself for long periods of time, is never determined by luck. Sure, every once in a while someone will get lucky and become sort of instantly successful. But one must come to realize that real success has to be proven over and over again.

An occasional break here and there is healthy for life, and for the balance of positive and negative in this crazy world, but we must not confuse a break with the work that we definitely have to put in to maintain success over long periods of time. Time will show if a person’s success is true or not, as life throws its daggers, one must be able to avoid them promptly, because for some, taking a dagger means that failure may just be lurking near.

Prepare, plan, work hard, accomplish, and use your accomplishments to help the world. Anything outside of that plan that adds to it just may be luck.
                                                        " Morning Friends"

Make sure you clean up your path

Friday, 9 January 2015

This can't be Me

This can't last. This misery can't last. I must remember that and try to control myself. Nothing lasts really. Neither happiness nor despair. Not even life lasts very long. No, no, I don't want that time to come, not now  or ever. I want to remember every minute, always, always to the end of my days. There are lot we never wish to experience in life.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Motivational Advice --------Don't be too Classy----------

Cause  you act Like A B**CH Yeah I said it, and what? now I'm not trying to use that term in a general and disrespectful way. I am using it in a very specific and factual way. you have so many women that walk around with this nasty, stuck up attitude and they have the nerve to wonder why they struggle with finding the right man. some of them have the audacity to cover it up by proclaiming to be a "diva", too "classy", or that they are just speaking their mind. in reality you just act like a B**ch. some people might say, well I see plenty of women like that married or in relationships. Don't be fooled,  she wasn't completely showing that side in the Beginning, why? Because she is a smart b**ch: Either way, being a negative person isn't going to help you find love. most of the men may still go after you for sex, but if you learn to fix that attitude then you will start to attract the right kind of man in your life. Don't consider yourself a goody-goody,just be a neutral person. remember I don't ask you to be cheesy!

We are all a champion

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Now is the time to start. There are too many times when too many of us limit our own lives by refusing to start out on an adventure because we don't feel as if we are prepared enough. If it is an adventure that you have never taken chances are, you wont be fully prepared.

Though this is easy to say and much harder to do, it is something that we all must do if we ever expect to achieve greatness, and be fulfilled with happiness in our lives. Don't wait for the rest of your life. Start NOW!

The most important thing anyone needs to start a great life is confidence in his or her self, because with this solid foundation, anything may truly be possible.

Start today, forget about the old endings and the old beginnings, make new ones, live your life and never let the fear of failing hold you back.

Eju mi mo ri so many things!

Throughout my years of personal observing, I can clearly perceptible said, that every things in life a man comes across are means of educative and self improvement.
while I was growing up, the idea of spending forever with some one is almost my view, my Education and every other things that makes man a complete subject those are my pursue,  but with time I came to realized that "a beautiful woman is another man's game"